
    Dear Parents


  • 19.11.2024 - Classes:Pre Nur-XII
    Dear Parents
    As per the directives issued by the Haryana Government, students of classes Pre Nursery - XII will attend their classes online from home, starting 20.11.24 , untill further notice.
    # Class X & XII ---- The exam scheduled on 22.11.2024 (Friday) is postponed till further notice.
    # Class XII ---- The Practical Examination scheduled is postponed till further notice.
  • 16.09.2024 - Classes:VI-X
    Dear Parents
    There is a Painting Competition organized by Ministry of power and BEE on Energy conservation-2024. 
     For Group ‘A’( V-VII),  Group ‘B (VIII-X) to sensitize the school children towards Energy efficiency and Energy conservation.
    Medium : Any  
                                                        Size : A3 size white sheet

    Topics Any One  Group ‘A’( V-VII), Group ‘B (VIII-X) 
    * Conserve Energy, Protect Environment
    * Energy saving is environment saving
    * It is compulsory for Art Students from Classes VI-X and optional for other students. 
    * Students have to bring a complete sheet according to the topic by 01.10.24 
    * The children may consider the following points while doing the painting.
    *Relevance of the theme depicting the selected topic
    *Execution of concept / theme.
    *Overall visual appeal, handling of given space and use of appropriate Colour combination.
    * Use of Cutting Pasting, collage, Patchwork and Sparkle is not permitted.
    * Not to directly copying the painting given in Google.
    # Selected two sheets from each group will be send for State Level selection.
    # First prize at State level is 50,000 Rupees 
    # First Prize at National Level is I lakh Rupees.
  • 16.09.2024 - Classes:Pre Nur-XII
    Dear Parents
    Classes P.Nur - V and XI- XII : There will be a PTM on 1st October 2024. Timings will be 8am to 10am .It will be an off day for students of classes having PTM.
    Classes VI - X : There will be a PTM will be on 4th October 2024. Timings will be 8 am to 10am. It will be an off day for students of classes VI – X
  • 23.08.2024 - Classes:VI-XII
    Dear Parents
    Please (click here) to check Afternoon Bus Route on examination days for classes VI-XIII.
  • 21.08.2024 - Classes:VI-XII:Intra Model United Nation(MUN)
    Dear Parents
    We are pleased to announce that our school will host an INTRA Model United Nations (MUN) event on the 28th and 29th of September 2024 (Saturday and Sunday). To prepare students for this exciting opportunity, an in-house training session will be conducted on the 17th and 18th of September 2024 (Tuesday and Wednesday) during school hours.
    This comprehensive training will provide students with hands-on experience of the MUN process. They will learn about international debating formats, the principal organs of the United Nations, and essential public speaking skills.
    Important Points:
    * Training Dates: 17th and 18th September 2024 (Tuesday and Wednesday) during school hours.
    * MUN Event Dates: 28th and 29th September 2024 (Saturday and Sunday).
    * Amount to be deposited: ₹2500 (inclusive of training and MUN participation).
    * Submission Deadlines: Submit the amount to your class in-charges on the 22nd or 23rd of August. Alternatively, you may also submit the fee to the concerned invigilator in your classroom on the 28th  August 2024 during the examination hours.
    * Committees for the MUN will be assigned during the training session.
    * Bus Service: Transportation will be provided for both the training sessions and the MUN event days.
    * Snacks: Snacks will be provided by the school on the MUN event days only.
    We encourage all interested students to participate in this enriching experience and look forward to their involvement.
  • 06.08.2024 - Classes:Pre Nur-XII
    Dear Parents
    Please note that the Haryana Government has declared a holiday tomorrow i.e 07th August 2024 on account of  Haryali Teej.
    Mehandi Competition and Nail Art Competition (Classes 6 -12) scheduled for 07th August 2024 is postponed till further notice. 
  • 03.08.2024 - Classes:VI-XII
    Dear Parents
    We are organising Mehandi Competition and Nail Art Competition on 7th August 2024
    *Rules for Mehandi Competition:*
    * Students have to apply mehandi on their one hand on both sides.
    * No sample designs allowed.
    * Students will bring their own material.
    *Rules for Nail Art Competition:*
    * Students can work on Artificial nails.
    * Students have to work on the nails for both the hands.
    * No sample designs allowed.
    * Students will bring their own material.
    Note: Class incharges please submit the list of participants to Ms Divya Bajaj by 6th August 24.
  • 30.07.2024 - Classes:Pre Nur-XII
    Dear Parents
    Government has declared a holiday tomorrow i.e 31st July 2024 on account of Shaheed Udham Singh Martyrdom Day.
  • 17.07.2024 - Classes:I-V
    Dear Parents
    There is a Rakhi Making Competition on 02.08.24 for Classes 1-5. It is mandatory for all Students.
    Time:90 minutes
    Size of base card : 3 by 5 inches

    * Drawing Colouring Cutting Pasting allowed.
    * No eatables allowed.
    * Heavy material and Sparkle not allowed.
    * Students have to make the Rakhi in the school otherwise their entry will be disqualified.
    Note: This year we are sending all Rakhies to Our Soldiers protecting us on Borders, please don't paste the rakhi with the base chart.
  • 17.07.2024 - Classes:IX-XII
    Dear Parents
    There is Pagri Tying / Dhoti Tying competition for boys and Saree Draping competition for girls on 2nd August 2024.
    Interested students please give your names to your class incharges by 29th July 24
    Time : 30 minutes
    * Students will bring their own material.
    * It can represent any State of India.
    Note: Class incharges please submit the list of participants to Ms Diksha Sethi by 30th July 24
  • 17.07.2024 - Classes:KG-XII
    Dear Parents
    Camel Art Contest which was to be held on 18.07.24 for class Kg -12 has been postponed till further notice as we have not received the topics till now.
  • 22.05.2024 - Classes:VI-XII
    Dear Parents
    In compliance with government directives concerning the upcoming elections, the Summer break will commence from 23rd May 2024 .
  • 02.05.2024 - Classes:VI-VIII
    Dear Parents
    This is to inform you that 4th May,2024 is a working Saturday with school timing from 7:20am-12:15pm. Please ensure that you pick up your ward 1 hour and 25 minutes before the scheduled dismissal time.
  • 02.04.2024 - Classes:Pre Nursery-XII
    Dear Parents
    # We would like to remind you about the fee  payments schedule wef. 2024-25 session.
    Please adhere to the following guidelines:
    i. Fees must be paid on a quarterly basis.
    ii. The bank will not accept any cash payments for fees.
    iii. A late fee of Rs. 50/- will be charged until the 20th of each quarter. After that, a late fee of Rs. 5/- per day will be applicable.
    iv. If you choose to discontinue snacks or transport facility during the session, it cannot be resumed.

    # We would like to remind you that the use or possession of mobile phones and smart watches by students within the school premises is strictly prohibited. If a student is found using or possessing these devices, the school authorities will confiscate them.
    The confiscated mobile phone or smart watch will only be returned to the parents at the end of the academic session, upon depositing the applicable penalty.
    We request your cooperation in ensuring that your child adheres to this policy. It is important to create a focused and distraction-free learning environment for all students.

    # We would like to bring to your attention that wearing any form of jewellery within the school premises is strictly prohibited. If a student is found wearing jewellery, it will be confiscated by the school authorities.
    The confiscated jewellery will only be returned to the parents at the end of the academic session, upon the payment of the applicable penalty.
    We  request your cooperation in ensuring that your child follows this policy. This measure is in place to maintain a safe and focused learning environment for all students.

    # We would like to remind you of the importance of ensuring that every working day of school,  your ward should report to school in a neat and well-ironed school uniform.
    It is essential for students to maintain the cleanliness and presentable appearance of their uniforms.
    Please note that a fine of Rs. 20 will be imposed on students who fail to adhere to the uniform policy.
  • 02.04.2024 - Classes:Pre Nur-XII
    Dear Parents
    # No student is allowed to enter the school premises without proper school uniform.
    # Students are not allowed to go home before the school gets over. In case of emergency his/her parents can pick the student from the school after showing the collection card. The collection card is compulsory. 
    # There will be a Fruit Break just after the assembly class incharges ensure all students get their Fruits and have it in that period.
    # No Use of Mobile Phones and Smart Watches,Jewellery
    # A student found using or possessing it in the school, his/her mobile phone shall be confiscated by the school authorities. 
    # It will be returned to the parents only after the end of that academic session by depositing penalty as applicable.
    # We would like to remind you that your ward has been provisionally admitted to our school. However, we kindly request that you should submit pending documents before the end of April 2024.
    # Failure to provide these documents will result in automatic cancellation of your ward's admission.Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring a smooth admission process for your ward. 
    # Wearing piece of jewellery in school premises is NOT allowed and will be confiscated by the school authorities. It will be returned to the parents only after the end of that academic session by depositing a penalty as applicable.
  • 02.04.2024 - Classes:Pre Nur-XII
    Dear Parents
    This is for your information that Students are expected to always report to School in the prescribed uniform.
    Parents are requested to go through the details of the uniform as given below. Strict adherence to the following specifications is expected from the pupils.
    1. Students must come to School in neat and well-ironed School uniforms. Those coming in crumpled or stained uniforms or dirty shoes are liable to be sent back home or fined.
    2. A fine of Rs 20 will be imposed on uniform defaulters.
    1. Half sleeves blue checked shirt(School Pattern)
    2. Navy blue jeans (VI- XII)
    Navy blue shorts (P.Nur-V)
    3. House Colour T- Shirt
    4. House Colour Shorts
    5. White socks (knee length)
    6. Shoe design approved by School
    7. Navy blue patka for Sikh Students

    1. Half sleeves blue checked shirt(School Pattern)
    2. Navy blue divided skirt(Knee length Classes P.Nur - XII)
    3. Navy Blue Shorts (III – V)
    4. House Colour shorts/ Navy blueTrack pants class VI-XII
    5. House Colour T- Shirt
    6. White socks (knee length)
    7. Shoe design approved by School
    8. White plain hair band/rubber band for tying hair

    Note: House T-Shirt and Shorts (in summer), House T-Shirt and Track Pant  (in winter) to be worn for yoga and Games.
  • 02.04.2024 - Classes:Pre Nur-XII
    Dear Parents
    As we gear up for the new academic session starting on April 3, 2024, 7:30 am. Please ensure your ward is at the bus stop according to the latest bus route.

    We request the parents to ensure that their wards are dressed in the appropriate uniform, including shoes and accessories, before they leave for school. We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining the school’s dress code policy.