It is my proud prerogative to welcome into the portal of the Bal Vikas Progressive School. It is not only an epitome of learning but also a nursery where the budding children are nurtured, carved and groomed with care; through the immersive learning opportunities across disciplines, which are dedicated to develop exceptional learners, who can pursue their interests with vigour and channelize their extraordinary enriched knowledge; to ultimately grow up as an ideal, fruit bearing trees; An asset to their country.

The holistic approach of BVPS triggers the potential of youth towards creative and high order thinking and help in refashioning the existing system of the world. Our curriculum is designed in such a way that gives an ample exposure to the children to explore and furbish their adroitness. The students are nurtured amicably inculcating appealing demeanour to serve their family, society, community and nation.
We prepare our students to face the challenges with courage and grace the success with humility. We want them to be revered as honourable players not just winners; as wise citizens, not just educated; as empathetic and compassionate being, not just friendly; to experience the real joy of living.
I conclude with a message for the children, whatever is done must be done with passion. Never hesitate to accept opportunities that knock our door, because school is the only platform where your flaws are redressed so that you can actually explore your hidden knack. The deepest regret in life is always for not doing what you wanted to. The secret of your success lies in your own happiness and wellbeing.
“We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence,
but we rather have those because we have acted timely.
We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit”.
Anupama Shah
MA (Eng) , B Ed , CTE
PGD Psy Counselling