Activities of Classes Pre Primary

Bal Vikas Progressive School is known for its vibrant cultural activities which not only fulfils the aesthetic and creative urge of the students, but also promotes a positive self confidence and a sense of achievement through participation and stage exposure.

Through varied activities like celebration of festivals, special assembles, celebration of special days, the school aims at not only identifying and polishing talent but also, familiarizing the students with the rich cultural legacy which must always be cherished.

Encouraging imaginations and creativity in children, they provide them with many benefits such as building confidence, strengthening, language skills, building vocabulary, improving pronunciation, helping with voice modulation. They improve their listening and speaking skills. They check on the ability of a student to grasp research and communicate.

This artistic endeavour touches a chord in the heart and mind of a child which enables them to Make, Learn, Discover and Enjoy.

Creative Minds At Work

Art Activities: Bringing self expression through Art. Developing creativity and expressing the joy of making, the joy of learning & sharing. Enhancing observational skills & color recognition.

Craft work
Drawing and coloring
Wall hanging
Making Wall Hanging Competition
Best out of waste

Origami & Paper Folding: Basic builder for muscle mastery (Fine Motor Skills )


Sports Activities:   Playground activities are the major component of the gross motor development. The children develop mastery over their bodies and their self esteem increases.

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Dancing: Inculcates sense of rhythm & beat along with large motor development.

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Science Exhibitions: Developing an interest in science encourages children to learn about their biological & physical word. Early childhood program helps children to develop reasoning. In addition it provides opportunity for children to develop sensitivity to the environment and the role they play in preserving it.

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Body parts: Making children learn more above about himself/herself. Learning about the different body parts.

body1 body part2

Elocution and poetry dramatization: Improving the public speaking skills

Story telling: Opportunity for children to increase vocabulary, develop concept and use appropriate sentence structure.

Life skill: Learning self help skills help the child to become independent.

Life Skills
Life skills

Celebrating festivals: Special celebrations inculcate cultural awareness.

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Children’s Day celebration
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Children’s Day celebration
mother drawing
Mother’s Day Celebration

Mother’s Day Celebration

Rebulic Day Celebration

Nature walk, Field Trips and Visit to Parks

visit park


Dramatization and Role play: Enhance the social, emotional and cognitive development of the children.


Fancy Dress Competition:
